Our Beersgiving Bottle Share included some very tasty brews!
Monday Night Brewing, Atlanta, GA Han Brolo, pale ale, 4.7% Cigar City, Tampa, FL Good Gourd, imperial pumpkin ale Zwanzigz, Columbus, IN S'mores Porter SixTen Brewery, Tampa, FL Horchata oatmeal stout, 8.5% Competition Suggestion: Pasco Brewers Guild Iron Homebrewer Contest, $5 per entry, 5 gal., by Jan. 18 REMEMBER: Our December meeting will be at (location changed) Bootleggers BrewWorx, Brandon, FL Bring some food to share and a gift if you'd like to participate in the exchange. |
PeteNew to brewing. So much to learn. Grateful to have this club's help! Archives
November 2023
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